BOX-WIN results published

The first results of the BOX-WIN project have now been published and are available for download here. These first results are presented in three separate reports:

Technical Report no. 1
Hydrographical conditions in the Bornholm Basin of importance for oxygenation of the deepwater by pumping down oxygen saturated water from above the halocline”

Technical Report no. 2
”Factors of potential importance for the location of wind-driven water pumps in the Bornholm Basin” 

Technical Report no. 3
Improving oxygen conditions in the deeper parts of Bornholm Sea by pumped injection of winter water” 

BOX-WIN in Sea Technology magazine

BOX-WIN project leader Anders Stigebrandt has written ”Evaluating Geoengineering as a method to Revive Baltic Sea Dead Zones” in the December 2012 Soapbox column in Sea Technology magazine.

In this feature he describes the general ideas of oxygenation of the Baltic Sea anoxic bottoms by pumping down oxygen saturated winter water from above the halocline to the deepwater. He also assesses the possibilities and requirements of the work within the BOX-WIN project.

The feature can be downloaded from our Downloads-page and is found under the topic ”Other publications”.

BOX-WIN in Der Spiegel and Spiegel Online

Editor Laura Höflinger from Der Spiegel recently met BOX-WIN project coordinator Anders Stigebrandt for an interview about Baltic Sea oxygenation by pumping. She was first introduced to the ongoing oxygenation project in the By Fjord (the BOX project) and then to the aim of the BOX-WIN project to test oxygenation by geoengineering in the Baltic Sea.

This resulted in an article which has now been published in the paper version of Der Spiegel (in German) and also in the online version Spiegel Online (in both German and English).

The English version of the article is found here: